Club Celica España

Autor Tema: 5th or 6th gen  (Leído 1377 veces)

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Desconectado paulschoon

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5th or 6th gen
« en: June 10, 2018 - 21:56:22 »
So im looking into getting a Celica and im debating between the 5th or 6th gen, anything I should know that might help me make up my mind?

Re: 5th or 6th gen

Desconectado Nacho mrnnaxo

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Re: 5th or 6th gen
« Respuesta #1 en: June 10, 2018 - 22:04:05 »
I suppouse that you live in spain? I prefer 6th gen cause its easier to get parts, and if you get the one with air bag you can have ABS too, but it depends on you. I don´t know about 5th gen a lot, i have the 6th one so i can´t tell you which you shuld pick.
Pick the one you prefer, both of them are reliable, at least my 1.8 7a-fe is XD  :drinks:


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